House Plus (HP) and Minor Mite Development Program (MMDP) 2024-25
Open to Players born in 2016 and Younger
What: The program is designed to develop the advanced house league player. Teams will participate in practices/skills sessions as well as games against teams from other local travel programs.
There is no cost to tryout, but you must reply to gvstarscoachsylvain@gmail.com to get added to the December 14 evaluation list. Walk-ins will not be allowed.
Who: The program is open to skaters born in 2016 and younger who are registered with the GPD Hockey House League Program. You have to participate in the GPD Youth League and continue to participate to be eligible
House Plus: Players born in 2016 & 2017 (8 games)
MMDP: Players born in 2018 and later (6 games)
Cost: $650/skater, goalies are free. The player fee includes league games, practices/skill sessions, referee fees, coaches and jerseys. Goalie equipment is available for use if needed.
Where/When: Practices will be at Glenview Community Ice Center, Jet-Ice or Niles Outdoor, most of them will be around 7 am on the weekend at Glenview. Games will be at surrounding area rinks. The program will run through mid-to-late March 2025.
Evaluation/Tryout Date:
MMDP: December 14, 2024, 7:20-8:20 am GCIC Rink B.
House Plus: December 14, 2024, 8:30-9:30 am GCIC Rink B.
*We can offer only one (1) team at each level, so it is possible that not all players trying out will make a team.*
Please contact hockey director, Sylvain Turcotte:
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We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.